What do I want from the new Labour Government?
A new Labour Government must engage in a candid conversation about the future of higher education, recognising the need for proper investment and clarity on the sector's direction to maintain quality.
A new Labour Government must engage in a candid conversation about the future of higher education, recognising the need for proper investment and clarity on the sector's direction to maintain quality.
The third space describes a group of university staff who can neither be described as academic nor non-academic professional staff, such as technology transfer staff, those overseeing specific labs or equipment and people serving external clients who are commissioning research from a university. This report draws on recent work undertaken…
In recent years, there has been a push to encourage higher education routes other than the traditional model of studying for an honours degree full-time and away from home. Alternative forms of study bring higher education into the reach of more people and can work for employers short of higher-level…
UK universities are funded through three main income streams: The maximum annual tuition fee for English undergraduate students was raised to £9,000 in 2012 and has only increased once since, rising to £9,250 in 2017. The fee situation for undergraduates is similar in Wales, where fees are rising to £9,250…
The Higher Education Policy Institute (www.hepi.ac.uk) today publishes a new report entitled How Should Undergraduate Degrees be Funded? – a compendium of essays edited by Rose Stephenson, Director of Policy and Advocacy at HEPI. The report explores a range of potential funding models for undergraduate education, against a backdrop of…
This collection of essays, edited by Rose Stephenson, Director of Policy and Advocacy at the Higher Education Policy Institute, delves into the challenges of financing higher education. From Chloe Field’s critique of marketisation to Jo Johnson’s model of differentiated fees, the collection navigates several funding scenarios. London Economics provide an…
The Higher Education Policy Institute (HEPI) has released a comprehensive report, Show me the money – an exploration of the gender pay gap in higher education (HEPI Report 171), authored by HEPI’s Director of Policy and Advocacy, Rose Stephenson. The report, supported by Durham University, delves into the persistent pay…
Mandatory gender pay gap reporting has been a requirement for many higher education providers since 2017. This report examines the data and the subsequent progress made during this time. The report ranks higher education providers by a number of metrics relating to the gender pay gap. Rankings can be a…
Before I worked at HEPI, I worked at the University of Bath, developing organisational policy – so I have a particular interest in how national policy and regulation translates into action, on the ground, in higher education providers. I’m speaking this morning about developing robust safeguarding policies to enhance the…
Today is the 23 February 2024 – one year since the Office for Students (OfS) launched its consultation on ‘a new approach to regulating harassment and sexual misconduct in English higher education’. The consultation closed on 4 May 2023 and the OfS was aiming to publish a summary of responses…