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The UK's only independent think tank devoted to higher education.


  • Keep calm, and carry on … using Chat GPT

    16 June 2023 by Ninian Wilson

    It’s been a busy time for QAA responding to the rise of generative AI. After three webinars attended by over 2,000 people, discussions with providers across the UK, a brief trip to Tbilisi to share best practice with European quality agency colleagues, one piece of guidance out and another to…

  • How are HE leaders responding to generative AI?

    9 May 2023 by Mary Curnock Cook CBE and Nic Newman

    This HEPI blog was kindly authored by Mary Curnock Cook CBE, chair of the Jisc-Emerge HE Edtech Board, and Nic Newman, Founder and partner at Emerge Education. Given some of the recent media coverage of the rise of generative AI and its potential impact on universities, especially around assessment and…

  • What is the future for student assessment in the light of AI and ChatGPT?

    4 April 2023 by Melissa Bowden

    This blog was kindly written by Melissa Bowden from Kortext, in conversation with Sir Tim O’Shea. ChatGPT is a hot topic in higher education, with concerns about how it will impact on academic integrity and student assessment. We spoke to eminent computer scientist and former Vice-Chancellor and Principal of the…

  • AI for HE: a student journey market map

    22 February 2022 by Mary Curnock Cook and Nic Newman

    Mary Curnock Cook, Network Chair, and Nic Newman, Partner, at edtech venture fund Emerge Education take a tour of AI tools currently available for universities, providing a ‘market map’ and emphasising the importance of data architecture to enable the adoption of AI solutions. The adoption of technology in higher education is changing…