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  • Aligning the Lifelong Learning Entitlement and the Growth and Skills Levy: how these policies could work together under a new Government

    28 November 2024 by Rose Stephenson

    In 2024, Instructure convened a Commission of higher education and lifelong learning experts to assess emerging policies related to skills development, including the Lifelong Learning Entitlement (LLE) and the Growth and Skills Levy (GSL). These policies aim to reform how education and training are funded and delivered to provide flexibility…

  • Lack of transparency is killing the Apprenticeship Levy and growth

    30 August 2022 by John Cope

    By John Cope, former ministerial adviser and board member of the Institute for Apprenticeships & Technical Education. The recent story in the Financial Times that employers ‘lose more than £3.3bn in unspent apprenticeship levy funds’ is the latest in a long line of gloomy stories around the Levy. We have lurched between…

  • We’ve reached a tipping point on apprenticeships

    7 February 2022 by John Cope

    This blog was contributed by John Cope, Director of Strategy, Policy & Public Affairs, UCAS. There isn’t an education minister in living memory who didn’t at some point say they wanted to bring ‘parity of esteem’ between higher education and apprenticeships. Most believed it when they said it. Not many…