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  • Are the Chinese the new ‘suspect community’?

    21 November 2022 by Chi Zhang

    HEPI is running a series of blogs on the changing faces of academia in collaboration with the British Academy. This post was kindly contributed by Chi Zhang, British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow, School of International Relations, University of St Andrews. ‘Kill the Chinese’ is a piece of racist graffiti found on a flagpole…

  • Science and security: setting the direction for the UK’s research relationship with China

    27 June 2022 by Peter Carlyon

    This blog was written by Peter Carlyon, Research Assistant at RAND Europe. Peter is on Twitter @PeterCarlyon4.  Executive Summary Policy discussions of the UK’s research relationship with China are dominated by security concerns. While the idea of decoupling from China appears to be gaining increasing traction, recent research by RAND Europe has highlighted that…

  • To protect academic freedom from external ‘threats’, we must reverse the decline of academic participation in governance

    29 March 2021 by John Heathershaw

    This blog is an edited transcript of a speech delivered by Professor John Heathershaw, University of Exeter to the University of Buckingham’s Conference on Academic Freedom in March. You can find John on Twitter @HeathershawJ and the working group @AcFreeWorldUK. How does the internationalisation of higher education affect academic freedom?…