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  • University governance: measuring what matters

    2 December 2022

    How higher education governing bodies should measure the value of their institutions was the topic of a recent roundtable hosted by HEPI and Advance HE, attended by higher education leaders and other experts in the sector. Higher education is under pressure – challenged by policymakers, students, students’ families and the media…

  • The USS Trustee’s governance crisis

    6 April 2021 by Neil Davies

    This blog was kindly contributed by Dr Neil Davies, Senior Research Fellow at the Bristol Medical School, University of Bristol. You can find Neil on Twitter @nm_davies. Since 2014, the Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS) has lurched from crisis to crisis. Member satisfaction with the scheme has collapsed from 68% in…

  • To protect academic freedom from external ‘threats’, we must reverse the decline of academic participation in governance

    29 March 2021 by John Heathershaw

    This blog is an edited transcript of a speech delivered by Professor John Heathershaw, University of Exeter to the University of Buckingham’s Conference on Academic Freedom in March. You can find John on Twitter @HeathershawJ and the working group @AcFreeWorldUK. How does the internationalisation of higher education affect academic freedom?…