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Office for Students

  • Ministers should not politicise the work of the OfS: discuss

    13 June 2022 by Susan Lapworth

    This blog was written by Susan Lapworth, Interim Chief Executive of the Office for Students. You don’t need to hang around on higher education Twitter for long before certain positions become familiar. One of these is that the Office for Students (OfS) is an independent arm’s length body and it is…

  • The true potential of a national student survey

    19 April 2021 by Johnny Rich

    This blog was kindly contributed by Johnny Rich, Chief Executive of the Engineering Professors’ Council, Chief Executive of outreach organisation Push and a consultant on higher education. He is writing in a personal capacity. You can find Johnny on Twitter @JohnnySRich or reach him via his website at Last…

  • Evaluation in a time of crisis

    24 March 2021 by Rae Tooth & Richard Shiner

    This blog was kindly contributed by Rae Tooth, Chief Executive at Villiers Park Educational Trust and Richard Shiner, Head of Access and Participation Evaluation at the Office for Students. You can find Rae and Richard on Twitter @raetooth @villierspark and @richard_shiner @officestudents. Our respective journeys through the higher education access…

  • Bahram Bekhradnia: The White Paper on free speech is intellectually flimsy

    17 March 2021 by Bahram Bekhradnia

    Bahram Bekhradnia founded HEPI in 2002 and was its Director until the end of 2013, since when he has been HEPI’s President. Before establishing HEPI, he was the Director of Policy for the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE). Last month the Government produced a White Paper on free speech…