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The UK's only independent think tank devoted to higher education.


  • Essential skills for 2035

    13 June 2023 by Mary Curnock Cook CBE

    A new report from the NFER-led Skills Imperative 2035, An analysis of the demand for skills in the labour market in 2035 is a must-read for the higher education sector.  Part of a five-year research programme funded by the Nuffield Foundation, the latest publication from a University of Sheffield team…

  • What I wish every Minister and MP would see …

    28 November 2022 by Diana Beech

    This blog has been kindly written by Dr Diana Beech, Chief Executive Officer of London Higher, the representative body for more than 40 universities and higher education colleges across the capital. Diana was previously Policy Adviser to three successive Universities Ministers and is currently Vice-Chair of the Board of Governors…

  • How Do You Solve the Problem of A Future Skills Gap?

    17 June 2022 by Steven Spier

    This blog was written by Professor Steven Spier, Vice-Chancellor, Kingston University. What skills will a fast-growing and innovative company like TikTok need in a few years’ time? The answer is both surprising and revealing – it doesn’t yet know.  They will not necessarily be technical. As a senior executive from TikTok told…

  • What influences the geographical mobility behaviour of university graduates?

    14 February 2022 by Kostas Kollydas

    This blog was kindly contributed by Dr Kostas Kollydas, Research Fellow at City-REDI/ WMREDI, Birmingham Business School, University of Birmingham (@KKollydas, @WMREDI). Introduction University graduates comprise a special subgroup of the workforce, as they accumulate high levels of human capital and can improve a region’s skills base. They can make a positive impact on…