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Student voice

  • Listening to higher education communities about mental health

    6 August 2021 by Nicola Frampton

    This blog was kindly contributed by Nicola Frampton, Insight Manager at Student Minds. You can follow Nicola on Twitter @nicola_frampton and Student Minds @StudentMindsOrg. Over the last 18 months, higher education communities have faced the wide-reaching challenges and impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, which resulted in the shift to online…

  • The true potential of a national student survey

    19 April 2021 by Johnny Rich

    This blog was kindly contributed by Johnny Rich, Chief Executive of the Engineering Professors’ Council, Chief Executive of outreach organisation Push and a consultant on higher education. He is writing in a personal capacity. You can find Johnny on Twitter @JohnnySRich or reach him via his website at Last…