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  • Examining the elusive ‘nexus’ between teaching and research 

    12 July 2022 by Joanna Thornborough

    This blog was written by Joanna Thornborough, Senior Policy Adviser (HE & Skills) at the British Academy. With uncertainty surrounding the UK’s association to Horizon Europe and a resurgence of COVID-19 cases threatening to cause more chaos when terms start afresh in September, academics could be forgiven for wanting to block out all thoughts…

  • To professionalise, or not to professionalise, that is (part of) the question

    29 March 2022 by Stacey Mottershaw and Gareth Bramley

    This blog was written by Stacey Mottershaw, Lecturer and Faculty Director of Taught Student Social Mobility at Leeds University Business School and Gareth Bramley, Senior Tutor at the University of Law. Stacey and Gareth are currently in the second year of the EdD programme at the University of Sheffield.  The…