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  • Entrepreneurial Thinking and Wellbeing

    17 November 2022 by Pauline Miller Judd

    This blog was written by Dr Pauline Miller Judd, Director of the National Centre for Entrepreneurship in Education (NCEE) Entrepreneurial Heads Programme and Associate Professor at Edinburgh Napier University. It is the ninth in our series on leadership in partnership with NCEE. The need for universities to be entrepreneurial in their approach has been increasingly…

  • Four things we learnt from teachers in the Pearson School Report

    8 August 2022 by Pearson School Qualifications team

    This blog was kindly contributed by the Pearson School Qualifications team. Pearson are on Twitter @PearsonSchools, Facebook @PearsonUKSchools and LinkedIn @PearsonUK. As this academic year draws to a close, it feels like the right time to reflect on what we as an education community have experienced and our hopes for the future. Our recent Pearson School…

  • Wellbeing and Resilience: The role of tutors

    5 August 2022 by Fabienne Vailes

    This blog was kindly contributed by Fabienne Vailes. An educational expert with almost 25 years of experience in the sector, Fabienne is on a mission to change the face of education, embedding wellbeing into the curriculum to create an environment where both students and staff flourish and develop the mental agility and resilience…

  • Better targeting of mental health support is needed for international students 

    1 July 2022 by Iain Brennan

    On Thursday 7 July, HEPI is hosting a webinar to launch its new report on Gypsy, Roma and Traveller access to higher education. Book your free place here. This blog was kindly contributed by Iain Brennan, College Services Director, University of York IPC (Kaplan). The mental health of our university students received…

  • Book Review: Preventing and Responding to Student Suicide: A Practical Guide for FE and HE Settings by Sharon Mallon and Jo Smith (eds.) (London, 2022)

    16 February 2022 by Laura Brassington

    HEPI’s Policy Manager, Dr Laura Brassington, reviews Sharon Mallon and Jo Smith (eds.). 2022. Preventing and Responding to Student Suicide: A Practical Guide for FE and HE Settings. With a foreword by Rosie Tressler, OBE. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers. ISBN 978-1-78775-418-8. 400pp. £40.00.  The publication of Preventing and Responding to Student Suicide: A…