Today, higher education is a global market with more institutions than ever before competing internationally for students, academics and funding. In the area of research, the opportunities (and risks) created by this new global economy in higher education are now perhaps greater than ever before with the rise of Asia’s universities creating a new dynamic on the world stage.
Other countries are investing vigorously in their research capacity despite the difficult economic environment they all confront, even as this country faces severe cutbacks. This discrepancy will prove all the more challenging as research activity becomes more global and global competition more challenging.
Confirmed speakers include:
- Professor Adrian Smith, Director-General at BIS
- Nick Fowler, Director of Strategy, Elsevier
- Professor Andrew Hamilton, V-C, University of Oxford
- Professor Malcolm Grant, Provost, UCL
- Professor Janet Beer, V-C, Oxford Brookes University
- Sir Mark Walport, Chief Executive, The Wellcome Trust
- Professor Lin Jianhua, Executive Vice President and Provost, Peking University
- Professor David Greenaway, V-C, University of Nottingham
- David Delpy, Chief Executive, EPSRC
- Professor Paul Wellings, V-C, Lancaster University
- Sir Alan Langlands, Chief Executive of HEFCE
This conference will:
- Provide an opportunity to examine and discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the UK’s research base
- Consider current processes and policies for supporting academic research
- Hear from leaders of research-leading universities, the Government and research funding bodies about their views and proposals for the future
- Enable participants to question senior representatives of the research base (universities, Government and funding bodies) and to make an input into its future development
- Hear from the former Provost of Yale and the current Provost and Vice-President of Peking University an international perspective on the UK’s research strengths and weaknesses, and also how leading universities overseas are facing up to the challenges
- Provide a networking opportunity for all those with an interest in research policy and funding