A guest blog kindly contributed by Paul Feldman, chief executive of Jisc to mark the publication of a new HEPI report ‘How Safe is Your Data?’ by Jisc’s Dr John Chapman
There is no more important time to talk about the importance of cyber security in Higher Education. We are in the midst of a data revolution where rapidly advancing ‘Industry 4.0’ technologies – artificial intelligence, Internet of Things and automation, rely on the use of big data sets to succeed. Many universities are already making the most of this, for example through the uptake of learning analytics to help students meet their full potential.
Data and technology offer huge positive potential for Higher Education in creating efficiencies, informing investments, and transforming teaching and learning, which can combine to provide the world-class student experience the sector needs more than ever. Just yesterday, the Department for Education published an ambitious strategy to realise the potential of technology in schools, colleges and universities.
However, universities must make sure they deliver this digital transformation responsibly. Cyber security is a critical part of this and robust measures should be integrated into a campus-wide digital strategy. Cyber attacks are becoming more sophisticated and prevalent and, while most higher education providers take this problem seriously, we are not confident that all UK universities are equipped with adequate cyber-security knowledge, skills and investment.
That is why we’ve collaborated with HEPI to bring you the facts about the type of threats universities are facing, the consequence of weak defences, and the steps that can be taken to build strong defences.
To find out more, contact Jisc on 0300 300 2212, or email [email protected]