Anthony Seldon, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Buckingham, writes today about next week’s Festival of Higher Education, which HEPI is helping to support.
The fifth Festival of Higher Education is completely free and has a dazzling line up.
Universities are rightly spending much time on the immediate and short term. The Festival this year looks at the medium to long term. Covid is the biggest threat and challenge that universities have faced in their history. It is also the biggest opportunity, and the Festival attracts some of the biggest names in the UK and internationally to offer twenty provocations or challenges.
Speakers will produce their own ideas about solutions. The Festival is sponsored by Pearson and we are anticipating an audience of several thousands. Please join in online, and ask questions.
Our hope is that the Festival will be timely and genuinely useful as universities in the UK, as well as abroad, peer into a future fast hurtling towards us.
The current programme is shown below, with further details available here.
Tuesday 7th July: Day One – Challenges, provocations and proposals to HE: Part One
Tuesday 7th July: Day One PM – Transition into University
Wednesday 8th July – Day Two AM – Twelve challenges to HE: Part One
Wednesday 8th July – Day Two PM: Transition into University
It would be heartening to see an equal gender split in this lineup