The Higher Education Policy Institute is a charity established in 2002 ‘to promote research into and understanding of all aspects of higher education and to disseminate the useful results of such research for the education of policy makers and the general public in the United Kingdom’. HEPI is funded by higher education institutions and other organisations that wish to see a vibrant higher education policy debate shaped by evidence. We are very grateful for this continuing support.
Our engagement with policymakers, the higher education sector, the media, students and the public is primarily through our reports, our online presence and our events. We look to work collaboratively with other organisations committed to good public policy. Between August 2019 and July 2020, there were significantly more HEPI publications than in any previous year and more engagement with our work online, including our daily blog. We ran a successful in- person events programme until March 2020, after which HEPI’s events moved online.
The small HEPI team is guided by an Advisory Board and is accountable to a Board of Trustees as well as the Charity Commission and other official agencies.
This short (four-page) Annual Review provides further detail on HEPI’s performance in 2019/20, reflecting our commitment to transparency. (Clicking on the publication covers included in the document will take to the documents themselves.)