On Thursday, the Department of Education published a whole range of documents announcing developments in further and higher education. We were both overwhelmed with information and felt short-changed by the lack of firm details in some areas, such as the response to the Augar review which only received an interim response, with many questions left to answer. All the announcements included references to different timeframes for consultation and change. In order to track how these developments are likely to progress, below we have mapped the timeline provided in each of the documents for the changes. Each colour represents a different document, as the key below describes. In some areas, the timeframe is still uncertain: for example, it was not set out in the post qualification admissions (PQA) consultation when a new model could come into place and we are not exactly certain when the next Comprehensive Spending Review (CSR) will be held. However, hopefully our timeline can provide an indication of when to expect change or at least further developments.
For more of HEPI’s coverage of the Department for Education’s recent announcements, see 8 points of note from today’s announcements, The DfE’s policy responses mix weak soup with meaty steak and Fast response to some slow thinking: Initial comment on today’s slew of documents from the Department for Education by HEPI’s Director.
Most useful. Thank you.