Key findings
- Two-thirds of undergraduate students (66%) say they have not received any financial reimbursement from their university or accommodation provider as a result of the pandemic. Around a fifth (19%) have received reimbursement from their accommodation provider, 13% from their university and 2% from both.
- Two-thirds of students (66%) are living in their usual term-time accommodation, whereas 34% are not.
- Over half of students (56%) are not expecting to receive any more face-to-face teaching thi academic year, compared to 44% who are.
- Student satisfaction with online learning is at a similar level to November 2020, but up from the levels in March and June 2020 (54% now, compared to 59% in November, 42% in June and 49% in March 2020).
- Around two-thirds (65%) of students say the messaging from their higher education institution on the impact of the pandemic on this academic year has been clear and around one-fifth (19%) say the messaging has been unclear.
- Almost two-thirds (63%) of students say their mental health is a little or much worse as a result of the pandemic compared to just 14% who say their mental health is a little or much better. Just under a quarter (23%) describe their mental health as the same. One-fifth (21%) describe their mental health as much worse.
- Over a third (38%) of students are satisfied with the delivery of mental health services, whereas 50% of students are satisfied with the delivery of other support services.
Amended 14.07.21 to correct an inaccuracy in the description of lockdown restrictions in place across the UK in March 2021.
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