London Economics, with support from the Nuffield Foundation, have modelled the resource implications – for students, graduates and the Exchequer – of the current higher education funding systems in the four nations of the UK. The analysis aims to improve the wider understanding of the current fees and funding arrangements in each of the Home Nations, as well as the implications of potential changes to each of the systems. The analysis also includes an assessment of previous manifesto commitments in each home nation, to better inform voters of parties’ forthcoming election proposals.
HEPI is hosting a series of in-person events in each of the four Home Nations, to present the findings and to host a panel of speakers to discuss the future of higher education fees and funding.
Join us on Friday 1 March 2024 from 1pm to 3pm at Queen’s University Belfast to welcome a panel of speakers including:
- John D’Arcy, Director, Ireland, The Open University
- Chloe Ferguson, NUS-USI President, National Union of Students
- Professor Paul Bartholomew, Vice-Chancellor, Ulster University
- Mark Lee, Director of Higher Education, Department for the Economy
- Dr Ryan Feeney, Vice-President, Strategic Engagement and External Affairs, Queen’s University Belfast
To register your place, please go to https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/general-election-briefing-examination-of-higher-education-fees-funding-tickets-810202867587