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New report by HEPI and the GW4 Alliance (Bath, Bristol, Cardiff and Exeter Universities) calls on Government to fix the gap in childcare support for postgraduate students

  • 18 July 2024

The Higher Education Policy Institute (HEPI) and GW4 (an alliance of Bath, Bristol, Cardiff and Exeter universities) have jointly published a report entitled Who cares? How postgraduate parents fall through the gap for government childcare grants, and how to fix it. The report shines a light on the unacknowledged gap in childcare support for postgraduate students, in direct contrast to the support and provisions available for undergraduate students and workers.

Read the full report here.

Report overview:

  • Postgraduate students (on taught courses and researchers) who are parents have been forgotten by previous governments. They are currently ineligible for the childcare grants available to undergraduate students and ineligible for the same free hours entitlements available for workers.
  • The GW4 Alliance (Bath, Bristol, Cardiff and Exeter Universities) is calling on the Government to extend the current undergraduate Childcare Grant to postgraduate students. In line with the current childcare grants for undergraduate students, this would provide support towards childcare costs if a household income is below £19,795. This would help ensure that those with children and from the most economically disadvantaged backgrounds are not disincentivised from studying for higher qualifications.
  • This lack of equitable provision disproportionately affects women and those from lower-income communities, hampering efforts to increase the diversity of the higher education and high-skilled workforce.
  • Postgraduate studies are critical for the high-skilled jobs of the future, providing upskilling/reskilling opportunities for many career paths and delivering ambitions for the UK to be a science superpower.

Students studying for Masters and PhDs are ineligible for Childcare Grants, which are in place for full-time undergraduates to help with childcare costs for children under 15 years old. They are also ineligible for the childcare benefits available to workers unless they are in substantial paid employment in addition to their studies.

For most parents, combining postgraduate study, substantial outside work and childcare responsibilities is incompatible. Most PhD programmes expect their postgraduate students to study full-time and some do not allow regular outside work. In exchange, PhD students are usually offered a stipend (a fixed sum of money) to cover the cost of housing and other living expenses. However, with a typical stipend for a PhD student between £15,000 to £19,000 per year and theaverage cost of a full-time childcare place for an under 2-year-old over £14,000 a year, stipends do not provide enough money to cover living and childcare costs.

GW4 is concerned that this lack of childcare support disincentivises parents from pursuing postgraduate qualifications. This lack of provision also limits the equality and diversity of the higher education and high-skilled workforce, despite growing evidence that more diverse workplaces, particularly in Research and Development sectors, are more innovative.

As part of the report, GW4 interviewed PhD students from its partner universities who explained how a lack of childcare funding has impacted their professional and personal lives. Interviewees stressed the importance of undertaking postgraduate studies not only for themselves but also for society, including one student who is pursuing a career in cancer research. However, they all struggled with paying childcare fees while studying, with the stipends they received being insufficient to cover their childcare costs.

Melissa Barlow, a parent and a Biomedical PhD student at the University of Exeter said:

Paying two lots of nursery fees put an overwhelming financial strain on us as a family, we had to take out loans and accrued nearly £15,000 of credit card debt. The only way I could continue studying was by going part-time and taking on a part-time job to help financially.

Given that the average age of a postgraduate researcher coincides with the average age of starting a family, preventing postgraduate students from accessing financial support for childcare that is available for undergraduates or workers feels inequitable. It means many parents are unable to access postgraduate education and secure jobs that require these qualifications. It also limits the access children of postgraduate students have to early years education.

Professor Evelyn Welch MBE, Vice-Chancellor and President of University of Bristol, and incoming Chair of GW4 Council said:

A diverse research community plays a crucial role in a university’s ability to produce innovative and impactful research and achieve academic excellence. The best research reflects the world we live in. Research informed by researchers from different backgrounds and the widest possible talent pool, is fundamental to economic, scientific and societal progress. We support GW4’s childcare campaign urging the Government to extend the Childcare Grant to postgraduate students, improving access to economically disadvantaged parents and helping to diversify the research community for the benefit of all.

Dr Joanna Jenkinson MBE, GW4 Alliance Director, said:

Postgraduate researchers have fallen between the gaps in government childcare provision, usually unable to meet the eligibility requirements for government schemes or student support. GW4 is concerned that the current childcare grant policy is having a negative impact on the diversity and inclusivity of postgraduate research and is limiting opportunities for parents who are economically disadvantaged. We want to work with government to ensure parents of young children are not disincentivised from upskilling or reskilling and pursuing postgraduate qualifications and then accessing the high-skilled jobs that require these qualifications.

Rose Stephenson, Director of Policy and Advocacy at the Higher Education Policy Institute, adds:

I support GW4’s ongoing childcare campaign and welcome the suggested first step of expanding the undergraduate childcare grant to reduce barriers for economically disadvantaged parents. I also support GW4’s recommendation to extend the free-hours provision, particularly to those undertaking postgraduate research who form a critical part of the research workforce.


  • Expand the eligibility of undergraduate Childcare Grants to include home taught and research postgraduates. This initial step would help to remove barriers for economically disadvantaged parents wishing to undertake postgraduate studies. A further recommendation would be for the Government to consider how to extend the free-hours entitlements only available to workers to those in postgraduate education, a critical part of the research workforce.
  • Bring responsibility for postgraduate students’ childcare provision fully within the remit of the Department for Education.
  • The Higher Education Statistics Agency should work with universities to improve data collection on postgraduate students with childcare responsibilities.

Notes to Editors

About GW4

The GW4 Alliance brings together four of the most research-intensive and innovative universities in the UK: Bath, Bristol, Cardiff and Exeter. GW4 universities employ over 13,000 academic staff and educate over 33,000 postgraduate and 82,000 undergraduate students. GW4 institutions host over 40 externally funded Doctoral Training Centres and Partnerships and these are home to over 7,000 doctoral researchers. Of these training programmes, 14 are GW4 entities, and GW4 works with other universities, research institutes, businesses and charities to create a highly skilled workforce for the UK and worldwide. GW4 is committed to creating optimal research and educational environments that enable our postgraduate researchers to push forward the boundaries of knowledge and innovation. GW4 was first approached in 2023 by postgraduate students who shared the impact of the lack of childcare subsidies on their physical, mental and economic well-being and sought support in raising the issue nationally. This led to the creation of GW4’s childcare campaign.

About HEPI

HEPI was founded in 2002 to influence the higher education debate with evidence. We are UK-wide, independent and non-partisan. We are funded by organisations and higher education institutions that wish to support vibrant policy discussions, as well as through our own events. HEPI is a company limited by guarantee and a registered charity.

HESA data

The latest Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) data estimate there are approximately 66,960 UK (‘home’) Postgraduate Research Students (PGRs) and 380,795 UK (‘home’) Postgraduate Taught Students (PGTs) nationally. However, HESA does not currently collect data on the number of postgraduate students with childcaring responsibilities. Research conducted by GW4 sought to better understand the size of the cohort of postgraduates who may have childcare responsibilities and discovered the University of Bristol, the University of Bath and the University of Birmingham are three exceptions to this data gap. By mapping these ratios to the national figures, extending childcare support could directly impact up to 9,400 PGRs and 30,000 PGTs at the lowest or up to 12,000 PGRs and 129,000 PGTs at the highest estimate.

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1 comment

  1. Anna says:

    This year, I completed my master’s degree, which was an extremely challenging achievement, especially as a mother of two children. Balancing my studies with my responsibilities as a parent meant that I could not choose the modules I was most interested in. Instead, I had to select those that aligned with my children’s school schedules. As a result, I couldn’t fully take advantage of all the opportunities that studying International Relations had to offer.

    Additionally, I worked 20 hours every weekend to meet my financial obligations, often having to rely on friends to look after my children during these times. Despite these challenges, I managed to complete my degree, which I see as a testament to my resilience, time-management skills, and determination.

    Currently, I am still facing difficulties in finding employment in my field. Most job opportunities related to my specialisation are based in larger cities like London, while I am located in Newport. This geographical barrier has made the job search particularly challenging, but I remain committed to finding a role where I can apply my knowledge and skills.

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