This report from Bahram Bekhradnia, HEPI’s President, is the latest in a series of HEPI reports on future demand for higher education.
It looks at the various factors which may affect participation in higher education by home students in England up to 2035
Warm congratulations on the report which maintains the standard of the old HE demand reports that Bahram and the late John Thompson produced and that so upset the Government of the day.
I generally agree with the analysis but I couldn’t see a figure for the proportion of those qualified at Level 3 that were entering HE at 18. Sorry if I’ve missed it.
I particularly agreed about number controls. What is needed is a permanent HE Commission to advise the Government on what needs to be done to maintain a healthy and diverse HE system and with the necessary powers also to secure rationalisation of provision, both HE and FE. Otherwise the future is bleak.