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Search Results for: dennis sherwood

61 results found

  • Dennis Sherwood: The broken school exam system needs an upgrade

    10 October 2020

    The consequences from this year’s Great Grading Disaster continue to rumble on. Many students still feel damaged as a result of the ‘internal moderation’ exercised by their schools before their ‘centre assessment grades’ were submitted, hence the petition that, although rejected by the Department for Education (DfE), will be debated…

  • Dennis Sherwood: Why ‘exams as usual’ are a bad idea

    15 September 2020 by Dennis Sherwood

    This blog was kindly contributed by Dennis Sherwood. Dennis has reporting for HEPI on this years A-level exams since March and the A-level system long before that! It’s not all over yet This summer’s exam fiasco is rapidly fading from the headlines, and the deadline, 17 September 2020, for appeals…

  • Hindsight is a wonderful thing: Ofqual, gradings and appeals by Dennis Sherwood

    23 July 2020 by Dennis Sherwood

    This blog was kindly contributed by Dennis Sherwood, who has been tracking the goings on at Ofqual in relation to this year’s public exam results for HEPI. Whenever I hear that cliché, I shudder: its purpose – especially when used by a politician – is to deflect attention from a…

  • If A-level grades are unreliable, what should admissions officers do?

    8 June 2023 by Rob Cuthbert

    Let us assume that higher education institutions want to have the best students they can get, admitted in the fairest way possible: not a very controversial assumption, even if sometimes people look to satisfice, by settling for something good enough, but perhaps not best. The assessment of ability and potential…

  • WEEKEND READING: A matter of significance to all involved with admissions…

    15 April 2023 by Dennis Sherwood

    This guest blog has been kindly written for HEPI by Dennis Sherwood, the author of Missing the Mark – Why so many school exam grades are wrong, and how to get results we can trust, (Canbury Press, 2022). GCSE, AS and A level students will soon be sitting their exams. Their goal will…

  • Was 2022 a bumper year for books about education?

    3 January 2023 by Nick Hillman

    It has sometimes felt like the past year has seen a torrent of valuable books on education, including higher education, even if there has not always been the time to read and digest them properly – there are good reasons why HEPI papers are designed to be read in one…

  • HEPI Christmas Quiz: If only 0.9% of school exam grades are wrong, how many are right?

    16 December 2022 by Dennis Sherwood

    This blog was kindly contributed by Dennis Sherwood, author of Missing the Mark: Why so many school exam grades are wrong, and how to get results we can trust, published by Canbury Press. At a hearing of the Education Select Committee on 12 October 2022, Ofqual’s Chief Regulator, Dr Jo Saxton, stated that the…

  • Are the right freshers in the right places?

    7 September 2022 by Dennis Sherwood

    This blog was written by Dennis Sherwood, author of Missing the Mark: Why so many school exam grades are wrong, and how to get results we can trust, published by Canbury Press. It was recently reviewed in a HEPI blog by Rob Cuthbert, Emeritus Professor of Higher Education Management at the University of the West…

  • Grade Expectations – Will 1.5 million GCSE and A-Level grades be wrong this summer? Rob Cuthbert takes a look at the new book ‘Missing the Mark’

    16 August 2022 by Rob Cuthbert

    Rob Cuthbert is Emeritus Professor of Higher Education Management at the University of the West of England and Managing Partner of the Practical Academics consultancy. He is the author of the 2020 HEPI blog, ‘A-Levels 2020: What students and parents need to know’. You can find Rob on Twitter @RobCuthbert. We expect…

  • All I want for Christmas is a consultation paper (or two) – by Nick Hillman

    29 November 2021 by Nick Hillman

    As we enter Advent, the higher education sector is gearing up for expected new consultations from the Department for Education. Here HEPI Director, Nick Hillman, takes stock of current policy debates, the impending industrial action and the continuing impact of COVID. The calm before the storm It may seem extraordinary,…