The Current Admissions Process and UCAS Revised Processes: Strengths, Weaknesses and Proposals for Change
Anthony McClaran’s PowerPoint presentation from the Reform of Higher Education Applications and Admissions conference held on 7 December 2005.
HEPI runs a range of events selected to maximise their effectiveness in reaching out to our target audiences and include invite-only high level seminars (such as our annual series of House of Commons breakfast seminars), conferences, one-to-one briefings, as well as set-piece events such as the HEPI Annual Lecture given by a senior international figure. Some of these events result in publications, which we also make available online.
Anthony McClaran’s PowerPoint presentation from the Reform of Higher Education Applications and Admissions conference held on 7 December 2005.
Professor Steven Schwartz’s PowerPoint presentation from the Reform of Higher Education Applications and Admissions conference held on 7 December 2005.
The purpose of this report is to provide a framework for thinking about the purpose of third stream funding, to help generate debate and to reach a clarity of understanding, both about the short and the longer term. The author presented this paper to a HEPI seminar at the House…
Paper presented to a HEPI seminar at the House of Commons, 30 November 2005.
Two hundred years after the great nineteenth century expansion of higher education, is the current university structure still appropriate? Should there be a radical review of the nature and purpose of our universities? Lord Broers sets out his vision of University Courses For Tomorrow. The BBC kindly agreed to record…
Sir Martin Harris, on the occasion of his retirement as Vice Chancellor of the University of Manchester, gave this farewell lecture.
A HEPI paper delivered at Wolfson College, University of Oxford 2nd April 2004.
This report is the output from a study of structural change within UK Higher Education. The study was about the genesis of merger proposals and the processes adopted by different institutions to take forward consideration of those proposals, the difficulties that arose and how the processes helped or hindered the resolution…
Professor Reich’s lecture was entitled “The destruction of public higher education in America, and how the UK can avoid the same fate”.
Lord Dearing’s lecture, the first of HEPI’s Annual Lectures, looked back on the past few years of higher education in the UK.