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The UK's only independent think tank devoted to higher education.


In recent years, HEPI has produced over 20 reports a year. They are all available free of charge here on our website and all our longer reports are also available in hard copy from the HEPI office.

The version on the website should be regarded as the version of record.

  • Hidden Voices – Graduates’ Perspectives on the Student Loan System in England

    25 November 2021 by Professor Claire Callender and Dr Ariane de Gayardon

    England’s higher education funding system has been reformed many times, leading to a system based on high fees and loans. Undergraduate tuition fees for full-time students were introduced in 1998 and rose to £3,000 a year in 2006, increasing further to £9,000 in 2021. Through a series of in-depth interviews,…

  • Catching the wave: harnessing regional research and development to level up

    21 October 2021 by Mary Stuart and Liz Shut

    Policymakers from across the political spectrum are committed to reducing regional inequalities and spending more on research and development. But there is a lack of detail as well as no consensus on how to deliver on these two priorities. There is also some confusion over how R&D policy and regional…

  • Annual Review 2020/21

    30 September 2021 by Nick Hillman

    This short Annual Review provides further detail on HEPI’s performance in 2020/21, reflecting our continued commitment to transparency on our work.

  • Boosting higher education while cutting public spending

    30 September 2021 by David Willetts

    Universities can help level up by boosting earnings, transforming towns and delivering vocational and technical education. They fulfil the aspirations of many young people. In this paper, David Willetts explores how to boost participation in higher education while cutting public spending. He argues it is reasonable to expect graduates to…

  • The Humanities in Modern Britain: Challenges and Opportunities

    23 September 2021

    In this report, Gabriel Roberts looks at the current challenges facing the humanities. The author analyses the humanities’ performance in three different areas – student enrolment, graduate employment and funding – and explores how any challenges might be overcome.

  • The costs and benefits of international higher education students to the UK economy

    9 September 2021 by Nick Hillman

    New analysis shows that just one year’s intake of incoming international students is worth £28.8 billion to the UK economy. The costs and benefits of international higher education students to the UK economy, published by Universities UK International (UUKi) and the Higher Education Policy Institute (HEPI), with research from London…

  • Student Relationships, Sex and Sexual Health Survey

    22 July 2021 by Michael Natzler

    Drawing on wide-ranging and robust polling data Student Relationships, Sex and Sexual Health Survey explores the personal lives of students with an eye to improving support for students in higher education. Topics covered range from experiences of Relationship and Sex Education at school to confidence in navigating consent when alcohol…