HEPI exists thanks to the support of individual higher education providers, including a majority of UK universities, and other organisations with an interest in higher education.
This generous support means every HEPI pamphlet is produced in hard copies for wide circulation and is also freely available to anyone around the world in electronic form via our website. This increases the impact of what we do.
But institutions that join our University Partner programme don’t just pay for that. They also have access to our other work, such as private events, and free places at our conferences. One of the extra benefits is a gem that is not as widely known about as it should be. This is our termly Policy Briefing, which summarises the latest research on higher education in an accessible and user-friendly format.
We have recently published the summer edition of the Policy Briefing, which has typically been cascaded within institutions that support HEPI and distributed among their governing bodies. (If you are unsure whether your institution supports HEPI, see here.)
The previous edition of the Policy Briefing, dating from spring 2014, is being made freely available here so that HEIs which do not currently support HEPI can see what they are missing out on. This is the first, and possibly last, time that the Policy Briefing will be issued in this way…
If you would like to know how to join the HEPI University Partner programme, or would like to know who in your institution receives the publication, please get in touch with HEPI’s Development Director, Sarah Isles.