Full-time student numbers were barely affected by the increase in undergraduate tuition fees in England from 2012. But part-time student numbers – which were already declining – tumbled fast. Ever since, fewer people have transformed their lives through part-time study and this is having a negative impact on the economy.
There has been a shortage of good ideas on how to tackle the problem. This collection of essays includes a wealth of information about what has happened and proposes numerous policy options for the future.
The decline is unlikely to be reversed without better financial support for part-time learners, but the chapters also highlight how better course design, more employer engagement and improved information could all be part of the solution too.
Here’s what million+ has said:
‘The November Spending Review offers the Chancellor the opportunity to make a difference. Giving part-time students access to maintenance loans, improving support for those who want to return to study part-time for a second degree or other higher level qualifications and providing small employers with a tax credit to encourage their employees to study for professional and technical qualifications, would provide a lifeline that would benefit individuals and the economy in the long run.’
More here: http://www.millionplus.ac.uk/press-releases/latest-press-releases/million-calls-for-chancellor-to-provide-a-lifeline-for-part-time-study #Parttimematters
Higher Education Institutions have to get on board with this and be prepared to invest in lifelong learning and part-time education. Departments of Lifelong Learning that offer part-time education are in decline. Questions are constantly asked about the financial viability about part-time education – the delivery of part-time education in higher education is extremely bleak.