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2017 HEPI Annual Conference: How Do You Create a University for Students? The Challenge Ahead

  • 7 June 2017
  • 9.00am - 4.15pm
  • Regent's University London

With the wave of change disrupting universities at the moment designed to make institutions more responsive to their students, the HEPI Annual Conference brings together senior leaders and policymakers from across the sector to consider the challenge of how to create a university for students:

What does a university for students really look like? What needs to change about the traditional role of a university? How would a new institution designed wholly around the needs of its students differ and what should institutions be expecting of their students in return? How does technology unlock a different type of education? And are we in fact talking about a new sort of ‘positive university’?

With an Opening Keynote from The Institute for Fiscal Studies on ‘Higher Education policy: what has happened, where we are and where we are heading after the election’, the day also includes:

  • The launch of the 2017 HEPI / HEA Student Academic Experience Survey with an exclusive presentation on the survey findings by HEPI and the HEA
  • Presentations from senior HE leaders on how to deliver a gold-standard student experience
  • A manifesto for creating a positive university experience for all (students and academics)
  • A focus on how technology can, and will, transform the learning experience

Tickets cost from £168 with a free reserved place (and additional reduced rate tickets) for institutions in the HEPI University Partnership (a full list of all HEPI partner institutions can be found here:

To see the full programme and to book online please go to 

UPDATE: The full programme and speaker presentations are available here:!AuJT3g7r6jVpgYBUzO_eUDK0u-LXlQ 

Sponsored by the UPP Group and the Times Higher Education 

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1 comment

  1. Kailan says:

    Buongiorno a tutti!!ho bisogno del vostro aiuto..non so a chi rivolgermi per il computo dei giorni di preavviso da dare per licenziarmi. Sono assunta da due anni part-time a tempo indeterminato con mansione aiuto commessa inquadrata al 5 livello del ccnl commercio terziario. dovrei esser libera dal 15 gennaio per un nuovo devo dare di preavviso?a partire da quando?grazie a tutti

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