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In March 2021, HEPI published a Debate Paper by Professor David Phoenix, Vice-Chancellor at London South Bank University, which ranked English universities in a new English Social Mobility Index. The Index takes into account both the social distance travelled by each institution’s graduates and the number of graduates so transported.
In an accompanying HEPI blog, Professor Phoenix explains: ‘The main aim is to simulate debate and to try to get institutions to reflect on the outcomes their approaches to social mobility are achieving compared to their peers.’
On Monday 26 April, HEPI and LSBU will bring together a panel to discuss the issues raised by this important work, considering the following:
- What do we mean by social mobility?
- What contributions do / should higher education institutions make to social mobility?
- How best can we measure universities’ contribution to social mobility and what are the limitations in the existing evidence and data?
- Is a ranking the right way to focus minds on the links between social mobility and higher education?
- Should institutions be held accountable for their contribution to social mobility?
Guest speakers to include:
- Sarah Atkinson, Chief Executive of the Social Mobility Foundation
- Phil Baty, Editor of the Times Higher Education’s World University Rankings
- Anna Mountford-Zimdars, Professor of Education and Director of the Centre for Social Mobility, University of Exeter
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