***UPDATE: A recording of the webinar is now available below***
On 21 October, HEPI will be publishing a report on regional policy and R&D authored by Professor Mary Stuart and Liz Shutt from the University of Lincoln, entitled Catching the wave: growing and harnessing regional research & development to level up (HEPI Report 144). This follows an earlier HEPI paper on related themes, published in May 2021, by Sarah Chaytor, Grace Gottlieb and Professor Graeme Reid of UCL entitled Regional policy and R&D: evidence, experiments and expectations (HEPI Report 137).
On the day of publication, Thursday 21 October 2021, and just a few days before the Spending Review, HEPI – with support from GatenbySanderson – will be hosting a webinar that will cover the themes in the two papers and include presentations by the authors of the two reports.

The event will be chaired by Alexis Brown, HEPI’s new Director of Policy and Advocacy, and speakers will include:
- Professor Graeme Reid, Chair of Science & Research Policy at UCL;
- Sarah Chaytor, Director of Research Strategy & Policy at UCL;
- Professor Mary Stuart, Vice-Chancellor at the University of Lincoln;
- Liz Shutt, Director of Policy at the University of Lincoln;
- Daniel Rathbone, Assistant Director, at the Campaign for Science and Engineering (CaSE); and
- Julia Roberts, Practice Lead, Education, GatenbySanderson.
To register your place please go to: