***UPDATE: A recording of the webinar is available below***
On Wednesday 9 February 2022, HEPI and Advance HE are hosting a webinar on the future of higher education.
Is higher education headed for a revolution or more a gradual evolution? What do higher education institutions of the future look like? Today’s universities face uncertain funding, the need for increased digital technology, fluctuations in demand and questions over the role of higher education in society. Should universities aim to transform into new types of institutions? Should the higher education sector be more diverse? Are there broader issues in the shift towards tertiary systems in Scotland and Wales? Is the future of HE skills based and virtual, in-person or blended?
- Rachel Sylvester, Political Columnist, The Times and Head of The Times Education Commission
- Professor Ross Renton, Principal, ARU Peterborough
- Conor Ryan, Director of External Relations, Office for Students
To register your place please go to https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_u-GmkS1TTKS42cF6tEva6A
Hi, will this event be recorded pls? I have a meeting clash. Thanks in advance, Amy
Yes, we hope to record the event and to make the recording available soon afterwards.