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HEPI webinar with Student Minds and the UPP Foundation, 18 October 2023

  • 18 October 2023
  • 10.30am to 11.30am
  • Zoom

***UPDATE: A recording of the webinar can be viewed below***

On Wednesday 18 October join HEPI, in conjunction with Student Minds and the UPP Foundation, for a free webinar on the findings of a new report, Climate Change and Student Mental Health, on the links between student wellbeing and climate change.

Universities are positioned to play a central role in tackling climate change, yet there has been minimal investigation into the impact of climate change on student mental health and wellbeing. With increasing reports of ‘eco-anxiety’ and climate change-linked mental distress in the general population, this webinar will draw upon the findings of the Student Minds’ report. The panel will explore how the relationship between climate change and mental health unfolds in a higher education context, how students experience the impact of climate change on their mental wellbeing and the positive role universities and government can play moving forward.

With speakers to include:

  • Rosie Tressler, CEO, Student Minds
  • Jenny Smith, Policy Manager, Student Minds
  • Professor Evelyn Welch, Vice-Chancellor, University of Bristol
  • Eddie Rose, Student Staff Representative, Students Organising for Sustainability-UK
  • Richard Brabner, Director, UPP Foundation
  • Chair: Rose Stephenson, HEPI Director of Policy and Advocacy

To register your place, please click here.

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