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The UK's only independent think tank devoted to higher education.


The HEPI Blog aims to make brief, incisive contributions to the higher education policy landscape. It is circulated to our subscribers and published online. We welcome guest submissions, which should follow our Instructions for Blog Authors. Submissions should be sent to our Blog Editor, Josh Freeman, at [email protected].

  • A-Level results day – a few thoughts on what to look out for

    14 August 2014

    Good luck to everyone getting their A-Level results today – and, remember, if you haven’t got the results you hoped for, there is lots of information available and there are other opportunities out there. This is a big year in terms of university entrance because the Government is starting to roll…

  • Why universities should not buy their loan books – Guest Blog by Alasdair Smith

    5 August 2014

    David Willetts’s recent suggestion that universities might buy the loan books of their own students has generated some ill-considered reaction, so Nick Hillman’s comments are valuable. Nick points out first that there is no necessary link with any selective increase in the fees cap. And, given that much of the…

  • Selling student loans to universities: what’s been missed?

    4 August 2014 by Nick Hillman

    I’ve resisted the temptation to say much about the proposal to sell off parts of the student loan book to universities so that they come to own their former students’ debts. The story was covered extensively by Newsnight last week and in the newspapers afterwards, including in a piece published in…

  • Today is the 70th anniversary of an important fair access report

    26 July 2014

    On Wednesday, 26th July 1944, the Board of Education published The public schools and the general education system by the Committee on Public Schools, which is known as the Fleming Report. The terms of reference for the committee were: To consider means whereby the association between the Public Schools (by which term is meant…

  • 2015/16 Access Agreements by Les Ebdon, the Director of Fair Access

    24 July 2014

    Today the Office for Fair Access announced its decisions on access agreements for 2015-16 – the second set of agreements that we’ve negotiated under my directorship. The most striking development in these new agreements is the smarter way in which universities and colleges are planning to spend their access money.…

  • How to read the new BIS Select Committee report on student loans

    22 July 2014

    The cross-party Business, Innovation and Skills Select Committee has today published a report on Student Loans. It is the output of an enquiry which HEPI’s former Director, Bahram Bekhradnia gave oral evidence to last year. It is as useful and thorough as you would expect. The key points are: acceptance of the official figure…

  • HEPI Policy Briefing

    16 July 2014

    HEPI exists thanks to the support of individual higher education providers, including a majority of UK universities, and other organisations with an interest in higher education. This generous support means every HEPI pamphlet is produced in hard copies for wide circulation and is also freely available to anyone around the world in electronic…

  • And the new Minister for Universities and Science will be…

    15 July 2014

    So my boss for 10 years, David Willetts, has finally left the Government. By the end of his tenure, he was the only person to have attended shadow cabinet and cabinet continuously for over 15 years – since William Hague made him shadow Secretary of State for Education in 1998.…

  • Extract from a speech to the Open University

    9 July 2014 by Nick Hillman

    Introduction Thank you for inviting me. HEPI is the UK’s only specialist think-tank on higher education: we are independent, non-partisan and a registered charity. Our goal is to shape the higher education debate for the better, with research. Or, to put it another way, using evidence to help politicians resist…