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The UK's only independent think tank devoted to higher education.


The HEPI Blog aims to make brief, incisive contributions to the higher education policy landscape. It is circulated to our subscribers and published online. We welcome guest submissions, which should follow our Instructions for Blog Authors. Submissions should be sent to our Blog Editor, Josh Freeman, at [email protected].

  • Where next? A new dawn for the OfS (OfS over the horizon, part II)

    22 February 2024 by Derfel Owen and Ant Bagshaw

    Yesterday we focussed on the story so far for the OfS. It has been troubled, but the course can be corrected. Today we set out some steps that can be taken to find common ground and a create regulatory environment that is accepted by all but beholden to none. 1…

  • Quality in HE, an over-the-horizon look at OfS – part I

    21 February 2024 by Derfel Owen and Ant Bagshaw

    Public debate is focused on what might happen after the General Election. Change is in the air, and everyone wants a piece of it. Will higher education be high up the list for reform? Unlikely, with health, the economy, and global security in the top spots. The Office for Students’…

  • Institutional autonomy: does it need an ‘academic community’?

    16 February 2024 by Gill Evans

    The arrival of the ‘alternative provider’ In 1997 the Dearing Report saw diversity in British higher education institutions as an advantage ‘especially in providing for student choice; in programme and pedagogic innovation’ and ‘in the ability of the sector as a whole to meet the wide range of expectations now…

  • The contested rise of ‘institutional autonomy’

    15 February 2024 by Gill Evans

    The Higher Education and Research Act of 2017 (HERA) asserts that both the Secretary of State and the Office for Students ‘must have regard to the need to protect the institutional autonomy of English higher education providers’. HERA s. 8 defines this autonomy in terms which have been accepted since they…

  • A manifesto for the future

    13 February 2024 by Chloe Field

    On 30 January, the National Union of Students launched our Manifesto for our Future which represents the aspirations of the millions of students across the UK. We developed these ideas based on consultation with over 10,000 students. Regular polling has afforded us a clear picture of the big issues for…

  • Recognising the individual: re-thinking engagement and the staff-student relationship in personal tutoring

    13 February 2024 by Rachael O'Connor and Jon Down

    As the student body in most universities becomes ever more heterogeneous, one of the greatest challenges has been to see and understand students beyond a single administrative demographic label or identity. As universities begin acknowledging students’ complex, intersecting social identities, staff approaches to engaging and supporting students become much more…

  • Levelling Up: How not to let the opportunity pass – an APP case study

    12 February 2024 by David Woolley

    The HE sector is in danger of letting a major opportunity pass by due to its tendency to focus on what it does do, not what it could do.  Whatever colour of Government we have over the next five years, surely the Levelling Up agenda is here to stay.  This…