Spent force or revolution in progress? eLearning after the eUniversity
A review of developments in e-learning in the UK higher education sector.
In recent years, HEPI has produced over 20 reports a year. They are all available free of charge here on our website and all our longer reports are also available in hard copy from the HEPI office.
The version on the website should be regarded as the version of record.
A review of developments in e-learning in the UK higher education sector.
2005 Student Experience Report, commissioned by UNITE in association with HEPI and conducted by MORI. 5th anniversary edition.
London Metropolitan University was formed as a result of a merger between London Guildhall University and the University of North London in 2002. The new university was concerned that students from its two constituent parts had very different rates of non-completion, and commissioned HEPI to conduct this study, which investigated the difference…
Postgraduate education is the fastest-growing sector in higher education. This report, sponsored by Beachcroft Wansbroughs, looks at trends across the sector and how they affect different universities. It also looks at the financial impact of postgraduate education on universities, postgraduates and on the job market, and raises some important quality…
This report describes and evaluates credit accumulation and transfer systems (CATS) and concludes that they can help further lifelong learning, improve and widen participation, and reduce non-completion.
HEPI’s response to the Conservative party’s announcement of its proposals for higher education funding reform.
An evidence-based review of developments in the internationalisation of higher education, in order to explore their consequences and implications for the UK in particular.
This paper examines whether the UK does, in fact, have substantially higher rates of university completion, why these differences exist, and what lessons the US might learn from the experience of the UK . It is written by an American, and from an American perspective.
In June 2003 HEPI published projections of demand for higher education (HE) to 2010 (‘HE Supply and Demand to 2010’). This report updates the projections to take account of more recent information and breaks down the projections in more detail for separate cohorts of students.
This paper is concerned with regional aspects of the research structure of the UK. It considers the prospects for improving the transfer of knowledge from higher education to industry and increasing the economic development of less well-favoured regions through regional research funding.