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The UK's only independent think tank devoted to higher education.


In recent years, HEPI has produced over 20 reports a year. They are all available free of charge here on our website and all our longer reports are also available in hard copy from the HEPI office.

The version on the website should be regarded as the version of record.

  • Demand for HE to 2020

    21 March 2006 by Bahram Bekhradnia

    In 2005 HEPI published a report “Demand for Higher Education to 2015-16”, using the same methodology that had been used in previous years to produce projections of demand to 2010, and extending this with a tentative look to 2015. This present report refines and extends the projection further, and looks…

  • Non-clinical researchers and clinical academics

    11 October 2005 by Tom Sastry

    A short paper prepared by HEPI in the course of its review of relations between the higher education sector and the NHS (published as “The Education and Training of Medical and Health Professionals in Higher Education Institutions” in November 2005). This paper feeds into the Department of Health consultation on…

  • Demand for Higher Education to 2015-16

    13 July 2005 by Bahram Bekhradnia

    An update to HEPI’s two previous reports projecting demand for higher education, this report extends the projections to 2015-16. It also contains an analysis of the implications of these revised figures, in particular for the Government’s 50% target for higher education participation.

  • Mission Critical? Modernising Human Resource Management in Higher Education

    9 March 2005 by William Archer

    During 2004 Human Resources and university heads were interviewed in 44 research-led and teaching-led UK universities in a wide spread of metropolitan and campus locations. Although the views reported are not necessarily representative of opinion across the sector, these interviews provide an illuminating insight to the HR issues and challenges…