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The UK's only independent think tank devoted to higher education.


There are a range of sponsorship opportunities available for those organisations who wish to engage with HEPI’s research and policy agenda:


HEPI’s research is the cornerstone of our work. We select issues that are important and timely for the future development of the HE sector and undertake substantial objective and unbiased analyses which we publish – without restrictions – on our website. Our publications usually include recommendations as well as reporting our findings and represent the primary way in which we influence policy. In addition, we publish and distribute concise summary reports to a growing readership of over 1500 senior people connected with higher education.


HEPI events – ranging from invitation-only high level roundtables, seminars and debates to large-scale conferences and our prestigious Annual Lecture – are the means by which we reach out to our key constituencies in academia, government and business. They are an important vehicle through which we disseminate our research findings as well as acting as valuable conduits for new thinking and ideas to inform our developing research and policy agenda.

To find out about current opportunities available to collaborate with HEPI please contact [email protected]