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The UK's only independent think tank devoted to higher education.


  • HEPI-HEA Spring Conference

    21 May 2014

    The quality of the student experience is under the spotlight like never before. The Government wants students to be consumers but is frustrated at the pace of change. Students say they want to be partners in learning but do not always get sufficient attention. Higher education institutions say they are…

  • HEPI University Partners’ Annual Policy Briefing Seminar

    14 May 2014

    Invite-only seminar for HEPI University Partners focusing on the policy challenges in HE looking ahead to the General Election of 2015, chaired by Nick Hillman, HEPI Director. Download: Agenda: Annual Policy Briefing Seminar for HEPI University Partners

  • How Hefce can help predict the degree class of Will from The Inbetweeners

    28 March 2014 by Nick Hillman

    The Higher Education Funding Council for England (Hefce) have published new research on degree performance according to the backgrounds of students. It is incredibly important research and shows, for example: large gaps in the performance of students from different ethnicities – almost three-quarters of white students with BBB in their…

  • A baker’s dozen on the RAB

    27 March 2014 by Nick Hillman

    There has been fervent debate about the Resource Accounting and Budgeting charge, known as the RAB charge, in recent days. I was even invited to speak about this rather technical concept on the Radio 4 Today programme last Saturday. It is all because the Government has just increased the figure…

  • Quango Killer

    24 March 2014 by Andy Westwood, Chief Executive of GuildHE

    Hepi thanks Andy Westwood for becoming the first guest blogger on the new Hepi website. Higher education is facing the biggest shake up of agencies and quangos for over twenty years. Politicians, think tanks and commissions are queueing up to create new organisations in HE and to simplify what looks…

  • Welcome to the Debate

    18 March 2014 by Nick Hillman

    ‘Lobbying’ is a dirty word but, done well, it can mean telling people in power things they don’t already know.