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HEPI-HEA Spring Conference

  • 21 May 2014
  • British Academy, London SW1

The quality of the student experience is under the spotlight like never before. The Government wants students to be consumers but is frustrated at the pace of change. Students say they want to be partners in learning but do not always get sufficient attention. Higher education institutions say they are improving facilities but that it is hard to measure success.

  • Just what does a good student experience look like at the most innovative institutions?
  • Are students in the UK getting a better or worse experience than students in other countries?
  • What does the different data on the quality of education in British universities show?

All these issues will be discussed in detail at the HEPI Spring Conference, organised in partnership with the Higher Education Academy with media support from the THE.  Attendees will also get the first sight of the 2014 HEPI / HEA Student Academic Experience survey. For the first time, this annual survey will give a complete picture of the education being received in England by students paying £9,000 a year. This year’s survey also includes the first ever comprehensive assessment of the well-being of students in UK universities, which will be compared on the day to the well-being of the nation as a whole. Speakers include: the Rt Hon David Willetts, Minister for Universities & Science;  Rob Behrens, Chief Executive, Office of the Independent Adjudicator, Rachel Wenstone, Vice President, Higher Education, NUS; Professor Stephanie Marshall, Chief Executive, Higher Education Academy; Anthony McClaran, Chief Executive, Quality Assurance Agency; Phil Baty, Editor, THE World University Rankings; Professor Edward Acton, Vice Chancellor, University of East Anglia, and Professor Alison Wride, Principal, GSM-London.  In addition, Nick Hillman, HEPI Director, and Dr Paul Bennett, HEA Director of Surveys will provide a detailed briefing at the conference on the findings from the 2014 HEPI-HEA Student Academic Experience Survey.  Included in the delegate fee will be a copy of the published findings from the 2014 survey. Spring conference programme: Book a place now at

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