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The UK's only independent think tank devoted to higher education.


In recent years, HEPI has produced over 20 reports a year. They are all available free of charge here on our website and all our longer reports are also available in hard copy from the HEPI office.

The version on the website should be regarded as the version of record.

  • Lessons from Leveson: Independent self-regulation – newspapers and universities compared

    27 June 2013 by Rob Behrens, Independent Adjudicator for HE

    In this HEPI report, Three Cheers for Lord Leveson: Independent self-regulation – newspapers and universities compared,  Rob Behrens, the Independent Adjudicator for Higher Education, considers the relevance for higher education of the recent attempt at overall of press regulation following the Lord Leveson Inquiry.  The report is part of an occasional…

  • 2013 Student Academic Experience Survey produced jointly by HEPI and Which?

    15 May 2013 by Bahram Bekhradnia (HEPI) Louisa Darian (Which?)

    Which? has partnered with the Higher Education Policy Institute to conduct the most comprehensive survey yet into the student academic experience.  And this year the sample has been large enough to enable us to look at the experiences of a student studying the same subject at different universities.  The 2013…

  • New arrangements for quality assurance in Higher Education

    2 May 2013 by Anthony McClaran & Professor Roger Brown

    This HEPI Report – part of an occasional series of HEPI Reports in which HEPI provides a platform for distinguished figures to reflect on important issues in higher education policy – focuses on the new arrangements for quality assurance in higher education with papers by Anthony McClaran, Chief Executive of…

  • Flexible Learning: Wrapping Higher Education Around the Needs Of Part-Time Students

    21 March 2013 by Professor David Maguire

    This HEPI Report discusses the importance of part-time higher education, noting with concern the extent of the reduction in part-time student demand and also that the decline in demand has accelerated sharply this year, even among those part-time students eligible for loans.  HEPI argues  that  not only is it likely…

  • Inspiring Leadership – Personal Reflections on Leadership in Higher Education

    28 February 2013 by Ewart Wooldridge, founding Chief Executive of the Leadership Foundation

    This HEPI Report, written by Ewart Wooldridge, founding Chief Executive of the Leadership for Higher Education (LFHE) offers his personal reflections on the nine years he spent establishing and running the LFHE spanning one of the most challenging periods of change which the HE sector has faced in recent times. The…

  • The impact on demand of the Government’s reforms of higher education

    8 November 2012 by John Thompson and Bahram Bekhradnia

    This report assesses the evidence that is available so far about enrolments at English universities this year.  A central concern about the changes introduced in England in 2012 has been whether they would reduce demand for higher education, and particularly for those from disadvantaged backgrounds. In carrying out this study…

  • The cost of the Government’s reforms of the financing of higher education

    25 October 2012 by John Thompson and Bahram Bekhradnia

    This report analyses the evidence of the cost of the Government’s reforms to the funding of higher education effective from this year. It concludes that the cost will be much higher than has been admitted, both because repayments of loans is likely to be much lower than claimed and also…

  • The Academic Experience of Students in English Universities

    17 May 2012 by Bahram Bekhradnia

    This report analyses the findings of the 2012 survey of various aspects of the student experience, including  the amount of contact students have with their staff,  the size of teaching groups, and the overall number of hours they devote to their studies. It updates the results of earlier surveys conducted in 2006…

  • Misunderstanding Modern Higher Education: Eight “category mistakes”

    29 February 2012

    In this HEPI occasional report, Professor Sir David Watson discusses eight myths – category mistakes – concerning higher education that are widely believed, and argues that these need to be exploded if higher education is to maintain its current comparatively healthy state. This report is based on his presentation to…