How will REF2014 affect the UK’s research base? Has it delivered on its goals? What does the future hold for research assessment and funding? Should the next research assessment exercise be adjusted, and how? Could metrics better inform judgements about research excellence? Is it possible to design a system of research assessment and funding that works for all disciplines and all institutions? Does the REF hold lessons for other countries – and vice versa?
The HEPI-Elsevier 2015 Research Conference provided the first major opportunity for the whole sector to consider the impact of the REF on universities, departments and individuals. It also looked ahead to 2020 and beyond and considered how research evaluation might evolve. A copy of the programme is available for download here HEPI-Elsevier Research Conference 2015 programme
The speaker presentations can be viewed here:
2 HEPI Research Conference.pptx (David Sweeney)
3 Professor Cara Aitchison Aitchison – HEPI Reflections on REF2014
4 Professor Paul Boyle REF impact HEPI march 2015
5 Reflections on REF 2014.pptx (Professor Dame Julia Goodfellow)
6 REF HEPI conference March 2015.pptx (Professor Julia Black)
7 HEPI presentation.pptx (Professor George Marston)
8 Bahram Bekhradnia Staff and publications
9 Powerpoint GR 25 March.ppt (Professor Graeme Reid)
10 HEPI_Metrics_Wilsdon_310315.pptx (Professor James Wilsdon)
11 HEPI conference 31Mar2015.pptx (Dr Steven Hill)
12 Dr Nick FOWLER HEPI presentation 2015 v4
13 HEPI (Paul Johnson).pptx (IFS)
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